In Transit
A film by Julia Camara


Logline: Two people meet by accident at an airport cafe as they wait for their flight the next morning. They spend the night talking and their lives are forever changed.
Synopsis: Olga is an aerialist and circus performer on her way home to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Daniel is a single dad on his way to Mexico. They both end up in the same airport 24 hour restaurant killing time before their flights. They never expected that the casual conversation with a stranger would change their lives forever.
Shot completely with improvised dialogue, In Transit is an unique experimental film. The brave and adventurous actors of this film agreed to come in only knowing their characters and back stories and not fully knowing what was going to happen on set.
The majority of this film was shot in one day with multiple cameras capturing the raw and unscripted performances delivered brilliantly by Branca Ferrazo, a real life aerialist and actress and Oliver Rayon, a real life actor and not yet a dad in real life.
Supporting actors for the film who also generously agreed to embark in this adventure were Kim Burns, playing Oliver's wife and Al Danuzio, playing Branca's fiancee.
Combining live performances and flashbacks, In Transit is a blend of drama, comedy and romance unlike anything else seen on screens big or small.